If the Democrats Did This, We’d Easily Beat Trump

It’s time to be brave and throw all the conventional wisdom out the window.

Melissa Balick
4 min readJun 29, 2024
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Sure, I’ll vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Of course I will. My vote was never in doubt, I’m a highly informed and engaged voter. I listen to C-SPAN’s Washington Today podcast every day, as well as Pod Save America. The Democrats don’t need to worry about losing someone like me.

But I’m a distinct minority. Most people get their news from random social media. They have had a steady diet of cynicism come from everyone they follow and admire. They are not strong Democrats or Republicans.

I strongly believe that “double haters” — people who hate both Trump and Biden — are the majority of people in the US. It has benefited Republicans to pretend that the Democrats are just as bad as them, and most people are too ill informed to realize that’s not the case at all.

Cynicism has become super cool. Go on TikTok, you’ll see. The truth is, most people automatically hate literally any politician they’ve ever heard of.

We can use this to our advantage.

Let’s say that Biden and Harris chose to swallow their pride for the good of the country and bow out right now, pledging their delegates to someone else. Let’s say we got an old school smoke-filled room together with some Democratic insiders and just chose two other candidates.

That ticket would win.

Here are two tickets that would win: Josh Shapiro and Gretchen Whitmer, or Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer. Sorry, Whitmer can’t be at the top of the ticket. Too many people unconsciously despise women.

Believe it or not, most voters don’t know anything about those three people. Folks like me do, but again, our votes were never in doubt. And their not knowing is good. That makes it more likely they’ll win, not less.

Voters would be so excited about there suddenly being two fresh “young” faces (all three are in their 50’s) in the race, they’ll vote for them over the now comparatively geriatric Trump.

Voters will also reward unconventionality. They’ll love a shake-up, because, again, like I said, cynicism. They hate everything normal. They will not care that they didn’t get to pick a candidate in the primaries. They weren’t even going to vote in the primaries in the first place. All primaries would have done was give them a chance to start hating these candidates.

The reason anyone who wasn’t a horrible person chose Trump in 2016 was because he was different from what they’d seen before. Instead of having a smart person in office, suppose we chose a doofus? Instead of someone sane, suppose we had a raving lunatic? How interesting! Let’s try it!

It’s time we use cynicism to help the country and world instead of hurting it. “What if instead of having to vote for the incumbent president, we just got two younger people in out of nowhere?” Shapiro, Newsom, and Whitmer would all do a great job. And it would feel like an unusual move, not just “politics as usual.”

It would also foster goodwill for Democrats if we actually listened to the voters. They don’t want Biden. He’s really done way better in the role than they realize, but they don’t want him because he’s unable to verbally fight for himself or us, and voters want and need that.

So listen to them and it will be rewarded.

Democrats, lets not pansy around. Let’s not worry that people will say it’s racist for Harris to step aside. No one cares. If they try to put Harris on top of the ticket, people who care about racism will only view that as pandering anyway. They hate Harris because they know who she is and they hate everyone they’ve heard of. She won’t do.

Yes, I know it’s a hard choice to make, a drastic one. But we need to convince grandpa to retire or else we’re going to lose to literally the worst, most cartoonishly evil person in the world, someone without a kind or giving bone in their body, someone who is so deeply selfish and dishonest, he’ll try to steal an election he lost, and then lie and say that that’s what *we* did, with no evidence to support that assertion whatsoever.

But if we’re brave and do a hard and unusual thing, we’ll win.



Melissa Balick

Fiction writer with a couple stories published in literary magazines, nanny, reader of way too many books.